Soul over body
New Objectivity

Fantasy & irrational
work of art as a thing in itself
New Objectivity
work of art as a thing in itself
Canary Islands Mythology by Georgi Kostadinov Gekos.
Project Gallery
Georgi Kostadinov - Gekos ( Георги Костадинов - Гекос ) is a painter and art pedagog who lives and works in Norway. Born on the 10th of January 1972 in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Education Ms. Sc. in Fine Arts and Pedagogics from the University "St. St. Kiril i Metodi" in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Canary Islands Mithology by Georgi Kostadinov Gekos. Magic realism. Magic expressionism.
[ + ] Art Of Painting by GekosA genre where magical or unreal elements play a natural part in an otherwise realistic environment.
[ + ] Georgi Kostadinov Gekos- Gallery